These three words are the most vital words in Bean N Joy vocabulary. Certainly, there is no doubt that to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we should consume high-quality beverage. Simultaneously, we wanted to preserve our unique taste of heritage maintained for 30 years. Despite the classic taste of heritage, we continue to innovate and make the purest and highest quality beverages, however we ensure that our unique taste which has been in the market for 30 years remains the same. Last but not least, the joy keeps us moving, the joy of making great beverages, the joy of sharing great products and the joy of having our customers us.


The state of being healthy simply means a state of being illness free. In this progressive world, good health is often taken for granted. We chase dreams, but we neglected the dream achiever who needs to stay healthy to succeed.

Taste of Heritage

Whenever we talk about heritage, people always associate it with inheritance and legacy. We innovate, but we wanted people to feel a sense of uniqueness whenever our customers see or consume our products.


Joy is a state of happiness and great pleasure. It is impossible for any human being to survive without having a healthy and joyful life, and that’s what moves us to innovate.

Our Products


Our aim is to build a professional and globally recognized brand which specializes in soy-related products rooted in our rich heritage. As we grow in leaps and bounds towards achieving this, we are laser-focused to bringing our unique products and the fruit of our decades of work to the world.

Our Story

Our Story began in 1992, when we started as a home-based soy milk provider. Founder Mr.Koh and wife were passionate about bringing high-quality soy products to their local hawker store, factory cafeterias, and restaurants.Not so long after, the business expanded and Jia Ying Food & Beverage was established in 2000. “Jia Ying” is a Chinese word, it means “High-quality Beverages,” we believe we can’t go wrong with providing high-quality beverages and this belief has kept us in business for over 25 years till date.

Officially JAKIM Certified HALAL

We officially announced that Bean N Joy is now a JAKIM Certified HALAL. It has been a long journey for us and hard work has finally paid off Thanks to the team for the effort & persistence and we are looking forward to serve greater community in near future.